About us

Why Voyage CareAbout us

What we do and why we love doing it!

Voyage Care is the sector leading social care provider. We have over 30 years’ experience of specialist care and support. Our passionate 11,000+ staff support 3,500+ vulnerable adults and children with learning disabilities, autism, brain injuries and complex needs across the UK.

Support work can vary from helping people with their personal daily routine to doing the things they love. One day you could be supporting someone with tasks like washing, cleaning, cooking and eating and the next you could be planning fun activities at home and in the community. Vulnerable people may find it challenging to do some of these tasks on their own and need support to complete them. We’re here to help them learn new skills, feel more independent and live fulfilling, independent lives.

Just like everyone else, the people we support have different goals, such as accessing education or work, playing football in the park or going on a holiday. You can help them make all this, and more, happen! You can be part of their journey to create new life experiences and help people grow and develop.

In return, we offer you opportunities to grow and develop your skills at your pace. Our robust training gives you a chance to learn more about the people we support and their conditions so you can provide truly person-centred care and support.

The job we do enriches your life as an individual, being able to enable other people to reach their goals and achieve things that they would have never thought achievable. And you go home feeling completely fulfilled, and nothing else can do that. That’s why working with people brings more happiness, long-term in someone’s life than any other type of work.

Nick Jones - Service Manager

Because you care, you can improve Miriam’s wellbeing

Miriam is a person we support at our day opportunities service, Grove Resource Centre in Surrey. She has complex needs and has spent most of her life in a wheelchair. Our Wellbeing Facilitator, helps Miriam and other people we support to feel relaxed and calm. Miriam is confident and vocal about what she enjoys and what she wants to do.

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Supporting Megan to be independent

Megan is autistic and can present with challenging behaviour. She first moved into Broadview, one of our residential care homes, in 2019. The service manager did a sensory assessment and an environmental assessment. This helped to understand Megan’s needs.

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Chris’ journey to Senior Support Worker!

Chris is a Senior Support Worker and Training Facilitator at our brain injury rehabilitation service, Woodlands, located in Middlesbrough.

Chris began his career with us as a Support Worker in March 2012. Since then, he’s progressed through a variety of roles – including Therapy Co-ordinator – and completed valuable qualifications along the way…all building on his experience and leading him to his current role!

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