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Charlotte’s journey: from support worker to field support supervisor

Charlotte Goodridge - from support worker to field support supervisor

Since joining Voyage Care eight years ago, Charlotte has progressed through several roles. Starting her career with us as a Support Worker, she is now a Field Support Supervisor at Warwickshire DCA. Read more about Charlotte’s journey with Voyage Care below.

A passion for care

From an early age, Charlotte knew that she wanted a career that helped others. Naturally compassionate and caring, she completed her Health & Social Care Level 3, and discovered that working with vulnerable people was what fuelled her passion. While Charlotte was at college, started working at Voyage Care and would frequently share inspiring stories with her. Seeing how satisfied her mom was with her role at Voyage, Charlotte knew this was the right place for her to put her skills and compassion into practice!

Joining the Warwickshire DCA team

Charlotte worked at a nursery straight after college where she gained valuable experience in caring for others. Soon after, she interviewed for a Support Worker role at Voyage Care and made the transition into adult health and social care. Charlotte wanted to work with Voyage Care because of our culture and values, and how we empower the people we support to live as independently as possible. She liked that our approach puts people at the centre of their care plans and allows them to make decisions about the support they receive, which was something she was very passionate about.

Charlotte initially joined the Warwickshire DCA team as a Support Worker. With the right management and training in place, Charlotte was promoted to a Senior Support Worker role in 2020. Her passion for caring for others was always strong and played a key role in her success! . Charlotte’s skills continued to develop through mentoring and training at Warwickshire DCA. When a vacancy for a Field Support Supervisor came up in 2021, her manager encouraged her to apply. She believed that Charlotte had the skills and knowledge for the role – and she was right!

Lifelong learning

Charlotte is dedicated to helping others and places value in empowering the people we support to be as independent as possible and live fulfilled lives.  The training she has received at Voyage Care has been vital in helping her to promote these values. She has received training in specialist areas such as dementia, as well as with technical aids like Makaton. With her caring nature and our training opportunities, Charlotte has been able to progress through each of her rewarding roles at Voyage Care.

“The most rewarding part of my job is seeing the people we support achieve something that they thought was impossible, as well as promoting their independence. Being a part of that journey with individuals is so amazing.”

Charlotte, Field Support Supervisor


Charlotte believes that the most rewarding job is to help others be the best versions of themselves. At Voyage Care, Charlotte is empowered to use these values to help the people we support achieve their goals and live their best lives!

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